Your Super - Golden Mellow Superfood Mix | Mantra

Your Super – Golden Mellow Superfood Mix


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Your Super – Golden Mellow Superfood Mix

Sip on calm!

Reduce your stress naturally with this powerful blend of Ayurvedic herbs and adaptogens. Simply mix 2 spoonfuls of Golden Mellow in a 250ml of cold or warm plant milk and enjoy as Golden Milk.

Additional Benefits:

  • 6 natural superfoods with long tradition in Ayurvedic medicine
  • Developed by holistic nutritionists to ensure the best combination of active ingredients
  • Highest quality only: No fillers, artificial sweeteners or preservatives – ever

Ingredients: Turmeric*, Ashwagandha*, Lucuma*, Coconut Milk*, Ginger*, Cinnamon*. *Organic Certified

Weight: 200g | 40 servings Taste: Warming turmeric chai, slightly spicy

How to Use

Use 2 tsp Golden Mellow any time of the day to make a hot or iced latte by mixing it with plant-based milk, or add it to your daily smoothie.

Golden Milk
Serves 1

– 2 tsp Golden Mellow
– 250ml plant-based milk
– 1 tsp maple syrup (optional)

1. Heat the milk in a small pot.
2. Turn off the heat. Use a frother or stir in Golden Mellow.
3. Pour into a mug, and enjoy!


As a B-Corp, we believe business can be a force for good. Our transparent supply chain was designed to ensure we source only the highest-quality ingredients picked at the peak of their freshness from small farmers. And each batch is 3rd party tested to ensure purity and potency.

Golden Mellow contains:
Turmeric from India
Coconut Milk from Philippines & Sri Lanka
Lucuma from Peru
Ashwagandha from India
Cinnamon from India
Ginger from India

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When should I feel/see the effects?

A: Results may vary from person to person and also depend on your overall diet and lifestyle. Most people start to feel calmer and more relaxed within 30 minutes.

Q: Will this make me sleepy if I use it in the morning?

A: No, it will make you calmer. While one of the benefits of holy basil is better sleep, it won’t leave you feeling drowsy or sleepy!

Q: How do I tame the spiciness of this mix?

A: The more you use of the mix the more spicy it is. Reduce the serving size or increase the amount of plant milk you are using. Additionally, you could add a sweetener like maple or date syrup to your latte and add the Plant Collagen mix to your Golden Milk.

Q: Is this product safe for people with pre-existing conditions?

A: Golden Mellow is safe for most people. However, we do not recommend the mix for pregnant women as holy basil has not been proven safe for pregnant woman yet. If you are taking medication, please consult your doctor before using this mix.

Q: Why do I need superfoods?

A: Superfoods are extremely high in micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and enzymes. As most people don’t eat enough greens that contain them, superfoods can be an easy way to consume more powerful micronutrients!

Check out more superfood mixes here.

P.S. Don’t forget to Like our Facebook Page or Follow our Instagram Profile.

Weight 1000 g


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